VtrendGaming Tickets

Earn tickets from participating in VtrendGaming events such as tournaments and giveaways then redeem prizes of your choice whenever you are ready!

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Available prizes to redeem with tickets:

League of Legends Prize Options:

One $10 USD Riot Points Digital Code (League of Legends and TFT) (North America) - 10 tickets

One League of Legends Mystery Skin Gift (North America) - 5 tickets

One $25 USD Riot Points Digital Code (League of Legends and TFT) (North America) - 25 tickets

One $50 USD Riot Points Digital Code (League of Legends and TFT) (North America) - 50 tickets

One $100 USD Riot Points Digital Code (League of Legends and TFT) (North America) - 100 tickets

One Hextech Chest and Key Bundle (North America) - 2 tickets

VALORANT Prize Options:

One $10 USD Valorant Digital Code (North America) - 10 tickets

One $25 USD Valorant Digital Code (North America) - 25 tickets

One $50 USD Valorant Digital Code (North America) - 50 tickets

One $100 USD Valorant Digital Code (North America) - 100 tickets

Other Prize Options:

One $25 USD gift card for a US restaurant chain of your choice (limited to USA and participating restaurants only) (North America) - 25 tickets

One $50 USD gift card for a US restaurant chain of your choice (limited to USA and participating restaurants only) (North America) - 50 tickets

One $100 USD gift card for a US restaurant chain of your choice (limited to USA and participating restaurants only) (North America) - 100 tickets

$25 USD Apple Gift Card (US ONLY) (North America) - 25 tickets

$50 USD Apple Gift Card (US ONLY) (North America) - 50 tickets

$100 USD Apple Gift Card (US ONLY) (North America) - 100 tickets

$25 USD Google Play Gift Card (US ONLY) (North America) - 25 tickets

$50 USD Google Play Gift Card (US ONLY) (North America) - 50 tickets

$100 USD Google Play Gift Card (US ONLY) (North America) - 100 tickets

Account Details

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